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David González Castro's Blog

A New Challenge: Red Arbor acquires 70 % of Computrabajo.com

26 may 2014
A New Challenge: Red Arbor acquires 70 % of Computrabajo.com

I like big challenges, building difficult things, and global projects with the potential to grow and become leaders in their respective markets. With Anuntis the challenge was to transform the company and become a leader in the classifieds market in one country. Today, at Red Arbor we have started to build something great: we have bought 70% of Computrabajo.com, the largest Spanish-language employment website in the world. With a presence in 19 countries, it’s the most visited jobs website in Colombia, Peru and Costa Rica, and ranks second in Mexico, Chile and Argentina.

It’s a project that stimulates me very much and in which I see a big potential. In the last few months I’ve been listening to many investment offers and opportunities. After a thorough analysis, I’ve concluded that this is the perfect project for Red Arbor for the following reasons:

  1. The company is a global leader, a quality that we like and have in our DNA. In addition to its presence in 19 Latin American countries, Computrabajo.com is the most visited employment website in Colombia, Peru and Costa Rica, and is the second most visited in Mexico, Argentina and Chile. We believe in Computrabajo’s potential to become the leader in the majority of the countries where it operates.
  1. This is the kind of project we like and with which we have had experience: a high traffic website, just like Anuntis. Currently, Computrabajo.com‘s network has 280 million monthly page views and more than 36 million monthly visitors.
  2. This operation made us the leader in the online job market in Spanish and Portuguese. If we add the visits of InfoJobs Brazil to those of Computrabajo.com, we have a total of more than 50 million monthly visitors.
  3. Latin America, an emergent market. I have spent many years working in several Latin American countries: Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, and Chile. The diversity of each country is what makes it even more interesting because it will force us to listen to the personality of each culture and understand the peculiarities of each market. Latin America is not a single market.
  1. We have a proven track record in the employment industry and hope to apply all of the knowledge acquired over the years managing classifieds websites such as segundamano.es, fotocasa.es, InfoJobs in Spain and Infojobs in Brazil. The brand is well established and we believe now is the moment to consolidate this leadership.

We welcome Computrabajo.com to Red Arbor and we face the project with great enthusiasm. Now, let’s get to work!


Diegoel 27 may 2014
Que bueno que estos negocios se están llevando a cabo en nuestro país... Colombia es un gran mercado, con una economía sólida que respaldará su inversión. Felicidades!
Josefina Salvadorel 26 september 2014
Hola David,
Soy de Sant Cugat y vivo aquí.
Tengo la Escuela de Feng Shui para Occidente, y considero que el Feng Shui es un pilar muy importante en los negocios, tanto para la distribución interna como para la ubicación. Pero no es motivo principal por el que te escribo.
Tengo tu libro la Convicción y te vi en una jornada de emprendeduria en el Auditorio.
He creado un curso que se llama "Genera Negocio con el Feng Shui", y en él sales tú como ejemplo y además ayer lo colgue en el Facebook y sales en una foto, y en estos momentos me encuentro con la sensación de haber hecho algo mal; con lo cual te pido permiso para seguir o lo quito inmediatamente. Disculpa
Por otro lado me gustaría conocerte y darte a conocer mi proyecto. La mayoria de empresarios y comerciantes no saben lo importante que es el Feng Shui "Ciencia de coherencia en los espacios".
Gracias por tu obstinación
Josefina Salvador
Albertoel 2 october 2014
Hola David.
He investigado algo de tu historia y, sin conocerte, en verdad eres un modelo a seguir para mi como emprendedor.

Algún día estaremos haciendo negociaciones y te voy a recordar de este mensaje.

Saludos desde México y suerte con Computrabajo.
Miguel Quesadael 19 august 2015
Yo tengo la gran suerte de haberlo conocido y haber trabajado para el, lo que fue un gran placer y me enorgullece

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David González Castro

Entrepreneur and investor in digital businesses. Founder of Redarbor (Computrabajo - Pandapé) and Infojobs in Brazil. Co-founder of Anuntis - Adevinta Spain (fotocasa.es, segundamano.es, coches.net, laboris.net, infojobs.net).

My experiences The Conviction

La Convicción (Un sinónimo suave de obstinación)

David González Castro
on Linkedin

David González Castro on Linkedin
Founder of RED ARBOR
President-CEO/Founder of Infojobs.com.br
Presidente Honorífico of Anuntis